What Are the First Round of Puppy Shots

A Helpful Guide to First Year Puppy Shots in Greenville, MI

It can be difficult to understand all that is supposed to happen when getting a new puppy, as there is a lot that is supposed to happen. Crate and potty training, along with general command training. Figuring out what food to get, toys, healthy treats, beds, collars and leashes, waste bags, etc. Finding a sitter and a back up sitter. Setting up appointments for spaying or neutering and other vet appointments to sort. Puppies have many needs but some of the most important are puppy shots in Greenville, MI.

Puppy Shots in Greenville, MI

Puppy Shots in Greenville, MI

There are many dog vaccinations to keep in mind when a puppy gets their necessary shots.


Bordetella is the primary cause of "kennel cough" which is a common contagious respiratory infection. Most dogs get this from social situations like boarding facilities and group training. It is highly infectious and can cause coughing, heaving, vomiting, and difficulty breathing.


Rabies is also highly infectious and is caused by animal bites. Rabid bats, homeless animals, and squirrels are often the cause of a dog with rabies. Rabies is a very serious disease and can cause death. Dogs are the most common animal to have rabies, being an unfortunate victim to a disease that has a cheap and easy vaccination. Not only that, but dogs can transmit rabies to humans. This contributes to many human cases in Africa and Asia. Providing vaccination for as many animals as possible will keep all death rates down. This is why a puppy should get their rabies shot as scheduled with a vet for as soon as possible.


Distemper is a respiratory virus that is highly contagious. It spreads through airborne exposure of infected droplets from sneezing or coughing. It can also be spread through shared food, water, toys, blankets, etc. There is discharge from the nose and eyes, fever, coughing, heaving, diarrhea, and sometimes seizures. A dog's recovery from distemper is occasional, as symptoms become very bad. If a dog survives, there will be a long recovery.


Yet another highly infectious disease, canine hepatitis is a viral infection of the liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, and eyes. It is not related to human hepatitis. It causes vomiting, swelling of the stomach, jaundice, pain around the liver, a slight fever and congestion. In severe cases it can cause death. There is no cure but symptoms can be treated through a dog's life.


This is another virus that contributes to kennel cough like Bordetella. Both are very serious and the vaccination should be used to fend them off.


Yet another highly contagious virus. So many of these. This as well, attacks the gastrointestinal system. There is weight loss, loss of appetite, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea. Sometimes there may be a fever. This can all cause dehydration so bad that the dog may die. A dog that experiences any of these symptoms, therefore, must have emergency medical attention.

Canine Coronavirus

This is not the same as the human Covid-19. The human pandemic has not been found to affect dogs. This instead is a virus that attacks the dog's gastrointestinal system and can cause respiratory infection. The affected dog will often lose weight, vomit, and have diarrhea. Staying hydrated, warm, and comfortable is the best cure for the canine coronavirus.


This is considered optional but can be deadly to both dogs and humans. It comes from a bacteria often found in still water outdoor that contains wild animal urine. It is a zoonotic disease. It can be vaccinated against and should be, as it could accidentally harm you and your pet.

Lyme Disease

Lyme comes from ticks. It is a bacteria that ticks carry and is transmitted to dogs and humans when the tick feeds off of us. Lyme can cause all kinds of horrible problems, including neurological. It is best to prevent this with tick control and vaccination.

The Typical Dog Vaccinations Schedule in Greenville, MI

A good veterinarian should help to provide a recommended schedule for the puppy. The usual schedule involves a series of appointments to complete the dog vaccinations.

6-8 Weeks Old

This schedule starts at six to eight weeks old. This is when a puppy is old enough to get their first puppy shots. The first round includes vaccination against Distemper and Parvovirus, as well as Bordetella if it is requested by the owner or recommended by the vet. But sometimes Bordetella is not included, so it would be wise to check with the veterinarian that it is.

10-12 Weeks Old

At ten to twelve weeks old, the puppy should get their second round of puppy shots. The second round includes the full DHPP shots, which stands for Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus. There are several others that might be recommended or asked for. It really depends on the dog's needs and the individual veterinarian. These would be Lyme disease, Leptospirosis, and canine Coronavirus (not the same as Covid-19).

16-18 Weeks Old

At sixteen to eighteen weeks, the third round should be administered. This is a second shot of DHLPP as well as a rabies vaccination. This is another time when extra dog vaccinations and protections can be asked for.

Ongoing Dog Vaccinations

After the three typical rounds of dog vaccinations, the DHPP shot should be administered every year or two depending on lifestyle. The rabies shot can be re-administered every one to three years as needed.

All of these appointments with the veterinarian not only allow to sufficient vaccination, but general health tracking such as weight and height and nutrition measurements. The first year of a puppy's life in Greenville, MI involves a lot of special attention and veterinary care to ensure proper health and growth.

How to Make Puppy Shots Easy

Schedule your first vaccination with your vet in Greenville, MI prior to bringing home your puppy. You do not want to end up waiting weeks for an appointment after getting your new best friend for their essential vaccinations. Do your best to coordinate your adoption with your vet's schedule so that you can get your puppy in first thing. Doing so will make sure your fur baby is protected from the beginning from diseases that could cause serious harm.

To limit stress and provide a positive experience for your puppy, get them used to the car before going to the vet in Greenville, MI. If they seem fine from the get-go, that's wonderful. But often puppies are scared of moving vehicles. Reinforcing the experience with treats and praise will help to quicken this process. When going to the animal hospital, bring treats as well and a favorite toy of theirs. Again, it is best to have an appointment already set before bringing the puppy home so that no extra time goes by with your puppy unprotected. Expect your puppy to be nervous so stay patient and loving to be a model of calm. This will help a lot in an overall positive experience for your new pup.

Talk to Your Vet About Puppy Shots in Greenville, MI

Call (616) 7549633 and talk to your vet at Greenville Animal Hospital about puppy shots in Greenville, MI!

What Are the First Round of Puppy Shots

Source: https://greenvilleanimal.com/blog/puppy-shots/

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