Your toddler is growing more confident and able by the day — so why does he refuse to leave your side? Separation feet comes and goes many times during a child's life (think when he was a ix-calendar month-one-time?), but the catamenia effectually the second birthday is ofttimes the toughest of all.

Your tot may as well exist more than irritable than normal, specially effectually "transition times," like when you lot come domicile for work. Yous won't be able to give him all your attention all the fourth dimension, only spending ten toddler-focused minutes now may brand all the difference in your little i's mood.

Here's what else you can expect from your 23-month-one-time.

Your 23-Calendar month-Old Child'southward Evolution

At a Glance

Sleeping basics

Toddlers need nigh 11 to 14 hours of sleep a day, including an afternoon nap that lasts for almost one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half hours.

Feeding nuts

Toddlers should aim to get about 15 milligrams of vitamin C per day, which you tin find in a few servings of strawberries, orange or ruby-red pepper slices.

Did you know?

Some toddlers show signs of potty training readiness past this age, although about aren't really upwards for information technology until after they turn 2.

Separation anxiety often peaks around the two-year-marker. There are enough of potential culprits, such equally stress over a new sibling or new bodyguard, or even the idea that he'll miss out on something fun. Any the cause, it's all-time to brand partings short and sugariness — only don't sneak off without a goodbye.

More must-learn lessons include how to behave in public, like on shopping trips or when visiting a restaurant. Don't wait too much besides soon, but do explain (gently yet firmly) what'due south advisable when your toddler's out and about. At this historic period, shopping and dining out will be more efficient — not to mention enjoyable for you — if he stays habitation.

Your toddler may besides go frazzled at certain times of the twenty-four hour period, similar subsequently he gets back from twenty-four hour period care or when yous come abode from work. Endeavour to take a time-out together before you dive into dinner prep and devote your full attention to a game or story.

In other news, teeth-brushing battles may be raging in your bathroom — then effort letting your toddler choose a colorful toothbrush and perform a preliminary brushing earlier you lot finish up.

A similar strategy works for pilus-brushing, another potential grooming minefield.

You may also encounter some resistance when information technology comes to putting on your toddler'southward clothes and shoes (non to mention coat, lid and mittens). Provide choices, distractions and a good dose of humor, and things should go more smoothly.

Your 23-Month-Quondam Child's Growth

All that effort yous've put into mealtimes is likely paying off. Your toddler has grown a lot over the by almost-one yr.

A 23-month-old boy will weigh about 21 to 33 pounds and measure 32 to 36½ inches tall, whereas a daughter will weigh near nineteen½ to 32 pounds and measure 31 to 36½ inches tall.

Your toddler'due south abilities, too, are on the upswing, so it's no surprise he'southward more confident than ever. Given that, your tot may also be more likely to exert his volition over what he does (and doesn't) swallow. Just when you lot thought yous could count on PB&J, he of a sudden rejects information technology — along with many of his other once-favorite foods.

Sometimes, this is an endeavour to gain command over his environment. Other times, information technology's just plain boredom. Whatever the reason, try non to brand a big deal about it. Instead, utilize information technology as an opportunity to innovate something new. When you do reintroduce his once-love sandwich, serve it upward with a different spin — think: cashew butter instead of peanut butter.

Your 23-Month-Old Child'due south Health & Intendance

You're one month abroad from the 2-year well-child visit, but at that place'southward however lots going on with your toddler's health and intendance right now.

Pet allergies in toddlers

If furry friends tend to go out your picayune one wheezing and sneezing, he likely has a pet allergy. Simply that doesn't mean all cats and dogs are necessarily off-limits. I of the most common causes of pet allergies is dander (the dead skin cells that pets shed), and some breeds produce less dander than others. Read More

When an object is stuck in the olfactory organ

Your adventurous toddler is off exploring his earth — including the within of his nose. It happens more often than you'd recall, and in that location are ways to try to excerpt the object yourself. Nevertheless, if yous can't get it out later one try, your best bet is to take your child to the dr.. Read More

What to do about whining

Ah, whining — the habit that, for some toddlers, might but turn a "no" into a "aye". Or that'south the thought, anyway. Equally a general rule of pollex, try to discourage this beliefs: The more often your tot gets his way later on whining, the more likely he is to try information technology again. Read More than

Culling medicine for toddlers

Looking for a mode to soothe a sore throat or tum? Wait no further than your kitchen. Complementary and alternative (CAM) medicine — including aloe vera and chamomile tea — is popular even amongst parents of the toddler set. Be sure to call your pediatrician before y'all give your child whatsoever herbal remedies, though. Read More

Dealing with head lice

Discovering that your child has lice tin be, well, lousy. Merely alas, these tiny critters spread hands among day care, preschool and school-aged children, and getting them is no reflection of your child'south (or your family unit'due south) hygiene. With a piffling bit of patience — and a fine-toothed comb, medicated shampoo, and a washer and dryer — you'll get through information technology. Read More

Toddler Tips & Info

Play the food proper name game

A food by any other name tastes… sweeter, actually. Just like you'd rather have a Niçoise salad than "pile of lettuce,"  your toddler may be more tempted to have a bite of "egg sand" rather than egg salad — especially if it'due south scooped upwardly with a "shovel" cracker.

Or, mayhap your kid would prefer meatloaf if it were baked in a muffin tin ("meat muffin," anyone?). What sounds unappealing to you might just sound tantalizing to him.

Take turns taking turns

Toddlers are naturally egocentric — and let's face it, at this age, the earth really does revolve around them. It won't be until they get older that they realize that other people have feelings likewise — and it'll be much later withal until they learn to empathize with those feelings.

In the meantime, you can endeavor education your toddler the art of taking turns . When you're eating dinner, take turns biting into your sandwiches or sipping your drinks. Proceed the practice sessions fun, and he'll get the hang of it … somewhen.

Nightmares … or nighttime terrors?

Your toddler woke up in the middle of the dark with a shriek — so was information technology a bad dream or a night terror? Around the age of 2, both types of episodes can announced, and unless you know the differences between the two, it may exist hard to place which i information technology was.

Nightmares are realistic, bad dreams that happen during REM sleep (which is lighter), but your child won't actually start panicking or crying until he wakes up. When you go into his room, he's likely to cling to you, and (if he's talking) endeavour to describe what happened.

During a night terror, a child will exist fully asleep (i.e. in the deep slumber, non-REM phase), just will look as if he's awake: His eyes may be open and he may scream, cry or fifty-fifty walk around. Essentially, role of the encephalon is trying to wake upwards while the other part stays comatose.

While nightmares are usually cursory and wake the child, dark terrors tin can last x to 30 minutes and children often sleep through them. Don't attempt to wake your tot up or hold him during a dark terror, as well-nigh kids settle back downwards, stay asleep and won't remember having one the next forenoon.

While both nightmares and nighttime terrors seem — and look — scary, they're common ways toddlers procedure emotions. In that location'southward not a lot you can do to prevent them, only only know that most children eventually grow out of them.

Finding meat alternatives

Many toddlers are natural vegetarians: bigger on carbs than they are on meat. The skillful news: Just because meat is off the menu (voluntarily or involuntarily) doesn't necessarily hateful your kid is missing out on any nutrients.

Toddlers who eat dairy products and eggs should meet their daily requirements for protein , no problem. Vegans might accept a harder fourth dimension striking their quota, however, so offer upwards protein-rich circuitous carbs such as quinoa and soy products like tofu and edamame.

Breaking the baby news … to your toddler

Congratulations may be in order, merely chances are, your toddler won't get the memo. At this age, most children won't understand what you're talking almost when you lot tell them you're pregnant with a new infant ("How can a baby live in a tum?") — and fifty-fifty if your tot can, he'due south more likely to feel mixed emotions than positive ones.

Not sure how to intermission the baby news to your toddler ? Try reading your little one an historic period-appropriate moving-picture show book, like Before You lot Were Born: The Inside Story! , which will assist illustrate the concept more than your words can. To demonstrate what his soon-to-be sibling will look like, give your child a baby doll to play with.

Encouraging independent play

You may be your toddler'south all-time playmate, merely that doesn't mean you take to play with him every second of the 24-hour interval. In fact, round-the-clock attention may keep your kid from learning how to entertain himself.

To kickstart your toddler's independence, attempt demonstrating means to use his toys — how to make a block tower or use the shape sorter. Or, get your little one started with an action (pushing a toy car across the table) earlier backing off. His streaks of self-sufficiency won't last very long at get-go, simply with time, they'll grow longer — or at least, long enough for you to do a load of laundry.

Potty preparation prep

Your toddler probably won't be set up for potty training until afterwards the age of 2. Nevertheless, it never hurts to start laying the groundwork early on. Here are a few means to introduce the thought of potty training.

  1. Option out a potty. Choose a child-size potty or seat that attaches to your toilet, and point out what the potty is for when you laissez passer it.

  2. Model the behavior. Y'all could tell your toddler how to apply the toilet, but yous may just want to bring him into the bath and requite him a demonstration if you lot're comfy with that.

  3. Read near it. Read a potty-preparation volume like One time Upon a Potty or A Potty for Me!, which will help teach your tot what to do one time he's on the toilet.

From the What to Expect editorial squad and Heidi Murkoff, writer ofWhat to Look When Y'all're Expecting. What to Look follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only apparent sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic inquiry institutions and highly respected wellness organizations. Acquire how we keep our content accurate and upward-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

  • What to Wait the 2d Year, Heidi Murkoff.
  •, Toddler Slumber Nuts, December 2018.
  •, Toddler Separation Anxiety, Jan 2019.
  •, Transitioning Toddlers Between Activities, February 2019.
  •, Defiance, January 2019.
  •, What to Do if Your Tot Is Allergic to Pets, February 2019.
  •, What to Do When Your Toddler Gets Something Stuck in His Nose, January 2021.
  •, How to Encourage Contained Play in Babies and Toddlers, Oct 2021
  •, Sharing & Taking Turns, February 2019.
  •, Best Loftier-Protein Foods for Toddlers and Kids, March 2021.
  •, Whining, January 2019.
  •, Tips on Starting Potty Grooming, August 2021.
  •, Toddler Nightmares, March 2022.
  •, Toddler Night Terrors, March 2022.
  •, Alternative Medicine for Toddlers, February 2019.
  •, Dealing With Head Lice in Kids, March 2019.
  •, How to Help Your Child Fix for Your New Babe, February 2019.
  • Globe Health System, Child Growth Standards, 2022.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Nativity to 24 Months: Girls Length-for-Age and Weight-for-Age Percentiles, 2009.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Nascency to 24 Months: Boys Length-for-Age and Weight-for-Age Percentiles, 2009.
  • National Institutes of Health, Role of Dietary Supplements, Vitamin C, March 2021.

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